Friday, 13 February 2009

Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,          January - February 2009

We were blessed with a lovely Christmas here in Rhayader.  Our Christmas morning services, held at Bethel, was attended by around 25 people.  We were also blessed to be able to spend the day with our neighbors, Peter and Leslie.  It was a lovely day for both us and them.  It was like having Christmas with family!  We are thankful for the chance to get to know the people here in Rhayader.  New doors are opening every day!

The weather has made the last couple of months crawl by at a snail’s pace and we wonder if anything is going to happen.  The winter has been a bitter one, and we have seen our heating bill skyrocket!  However, even with the weather, we have had a record attendance for our Sunday School.  On January 18th, we had 11 children come.  It was a very encouraging day, as we could see what it would be like if we had that many children each week.  We could also see that it would be great to have someone else to work along with us as it can be a challenge to teach all age groups in one class.  Nonetheless, it was an exciting day.  We have challenged the children to learn 10 Bible verses.  In just 3 short weeks, they have learned 3 verses which is a great accomplishment as most of these children have never learned a verse before.  We plan to hold a special service in April to recognize all the work that the children have been doing.  We will be inviting all the parents to see their children receive a special award.  Please pray that this will be a successful means of reaching the parents.

Also in January, we were able to do an assembly for the local primary school. WeI used a clear box to show the children that God wants to take the bad from their heart and replace it with good things from Him.  It proved to be a most productive day as both children and teachers understood the meaning.  We look forward to every opportunity that we have to present the gospel to all those at the school.  We are scheduled to take the assembly again in May.

We want to say a very big THANK YOU to all who sent cards and extra gifts for Christmas!  With the economy as it is, we are even more aware of the sacrifices that our supporters give every month to keep us on the field.  We are eternally grateful.  We would not be here if not for the prayers and financial support that you give so graciously. We pray for and think of you often!

On another note, we are trying to take advantage of all the technology that is available to us.  My wife has begun a family blog.  The address is  We would love to see you drop by our site and leave us a message.  We even have a facebook site that we post all our photos on.  You can email my wife at  if you are interested in receiving any of our family updates.  We look forward to building a strong base to communicate closely with our churches in the states.

Again, we thank you for all you do for us!  May our God bless you tremendously this year!

In Christ, your missionary family,

Ronald, Tennille, Breanna, Iestyn, & Ian

1 comment:

Brittany Watson said...

Mrs. Tennille~

Hey! I enjoyed your newsletter. I think that's the same one that my pastor read one night! Well, hopefully I'll be able to post soon,LOL, it's been awhile.
