Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Time to take a breather!

Well, It is about time I sit down and go over what we have been up to lately. So, here goes....

As I said before, Ladies Retreat was excellent! I enjoyed the chance to be away for a bit of "mum" time. While away, I took the time to remember how, just last year, the day before I was scheduled to leave for ladies retreat, my grandfather passed away after a battle with cancer. It was hard to be so far from family at such a trying time. However, with the wonderful ladies there, I was comforted to know that even though I couldn't be there with my physical family, I was able to spend some time with my spiritual family. I am thrilled to know that the last years of his life were the most fun! He went places and seen things that he had never seen before! And it was all before he knew anything about his cancer. Isn't God good to allow us the simple pleasures of spending time with our families! Don't miss a chance to tell your family that you love them!

We were able to take a trip up to West Shore last week to drop off some John and Romans for the upcoming summer outreach. It was good to see old friends as well as some new faces. They have even done some work on the church building. I believe they enjoyed the chance to see how the children have grown.

Ronnie has also been busy helping get things ready for youth camp. Ronnie has been asked to be junior camp speaker this year, so please help us pray that hearts will be prepared to hear God's word. Every camp is an excellent opportunity to reach into homes that would otherwise be closed to the gospel. We don't take this lightly! The men and women who work so hard to plan this camp don't do so for man's glory, but that Christ's name be magnified. They really are a very special group of people! Next year will be the camps 20th anniversary.

This week we have been able to have some company! Wednesday night we were able to have a couple come for tea and Thursday night we were able to have a very good missionary friend come to stay the night so he could go over some camp stuff with a couple of the men. The ministry of hospitality is really one of my favorite. I find it fun to share food and fellowship with others! The Downey B & B is always open! We just don't have enough guests!

This week, the children have the week off school. I am still expecting the chicken pox in our house, but it hasn't shown up yet. Maybe the boys aren't easily susceptible to it. Just you wait and see, the boys are going to wait until next week, after their week break! They do know how to stretch time off of school. School doesn't finish until July 19th.

We are looking forward to some family time this week! We have a couple of things planned, but will have to see how the weather holds up. We are praying for some good weather! This has not been a "good weather" year.

Next month will see the end of my 30th year. Somehow, it didn't seem any different to the others. We have had an incredible year here in Wales!

Last week, we found out that our landlord has plans to sell the house that we live in. This has been an uneasy couple of days for us. We had a verbal agreement to stay here for 2 more years, but for a reason unknown to us, he has decided to sell. This house is enjoyable to live in, but is on the small size. Would you help us pray that we will find God's timing and perfect place for us. We don't want to be "priced out" of the Rhayader market . We would like to stay very close to town center so that we can live closely to the people we are trying to reach.

We look forward to what God has for us this year! Until next time, God Bless.

1 comment:

sheilz said...

will rememeber your housing need in this time sheila at parbold .and from retreat ..