Monday, 19 January 2009

Highest Sunday Yet!

Well, the Downey family are thankful for our largest number yet for Sunday School.  We had 11 kids.  You say, that is not a lot, but we say that is great!  There has been no weekly Sunday School here in Rhayader for quite a while, so getting 11 children out of their beds early on a Sunday morning is quite a fete.  It was a very encouraging day for us.  There was our 3 kids and 8 others. Nathan, Harri, Daniel, Hana, Rebecca, Leonie, Cameron and Aylesha.  We pray that we will be able to help these children see that church isn't just for old, boring people : ).  There was also 20+ adults for the morning service as well.  A good day all around!  The picture above is of the church that we are now holding our Sunday School and Monday Bible study at.  The church (Bethel Baptist) has given us the opportunity to use their building to have our Sunday School in.  We feel this is the Lord's way of showing this church that God can use them again! We pray that it will someday be a place that will be open every day of the week.  This church as been without pastoral leadership or Sunday School for many years.  They have begun to feel as if they are too old to be used, but we know that God is able, if they are willing!

Please, if you think of us today, pray for my mum as she is unwell.  She has faced so many physical challenges as of late, and is due for a break.  She has had shingles and possibly another bout with e-coli, among her other existing conditions.  Sometimes it is hard being so far away. Please pray for my dad as he is trying to get her better.  LOL, Dad, I love you!  

1 comment:

Dr Dave Noffsinger said...

Praise the Lord
We are praying for you and the work